Solving Real World Problems with Computational Thinking

About the Course

Computational thinking (CT) is an important 21st century skill and a fundamental method for solving complex problems. CT involves problem formulation, abstraction, decomposition, pattern recognition, and algorithm design. This working will give a fun introduction to CT and it emphasizes the thinking process, and the communication of the problem-solving process (instead of just focusing on the coding). Students learn to apply CT to understand, formulate and solve everyday problems within and across disciples.   

Some of the topics covered include formulation of computational problems, the use of abstraction to write high-level algorithms, the use of decomposition and pattern recognition to help in designing efficient algorithms, graph modelling and algorithms, and creative problem solving via the Polya Problem Solving Process. There will also be a group project where students get first-hand experience with applying these to real world problems.  


About the Lecturer

Leong Hon​​ Wai

Department of Computer Science, School of Computing, NUS

Prof Leong received the B.Sc. (Hon) in Mathematics from University of Malaya and Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

His research interests are in the design and analysis of algorithms, optimization and discrete mathematics. He works in many areas including VLSI design, transportation logistics, multimedia systems, and computational biology.

He is known for his inspiring teaching style where he excels in finding simple ways to explain complicated subject matters. He loves to integrate CT and growth-mindset into his classes. He is passionate about fostering the love for Computing and Mathematics in all students, especially young students. He gives outreach talks/workshops on CT, creative problem solving, matheMAGIC and CS-Unplugged. He also mentors many students’ research projects. He is also advisor for LccL “Learn to Code, Code to Learn,” a coding academy for learners, 5 and above.

In Singapore, he started the Singapore training program for the IOI (International Olympiad in Informatics). Since 2007, he has been co-organizing the code::XtremeApps competition, especially the Junior category for Primary School students. He is a member of ACM, IEEE, ISCB, and a Fellow of the Singapore Computer Society.

Past Projects